重新配置图中的两个最短路径意味着通过一次改变一个顶点来修改一个最短的路径,使得所有中间路径也是最短路径。这个问题有几个自然应用,即:(a)改造道路网络,(b)在同步多处理设置中重新排出数据包,(c)运输集装箱存货问题,以及(d)列车编组问题。在作为图形问题的建模时,(a)是最常规的情况而(b),(c)和(d)是对不同图形类的限制。我们表明(a)是棘手的,即使对于问题的轻松变体也是如此。对于(b),(c)和(d),我们提出了有效的算法来解决各自的问题。我们还将问题概括为当最多$ k $(对于固定整数$ k \ geq k \ ge $ k \ geq 2 $)一次连续的顶点一次可以一次更改。
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The technocrat epoch is overflowing with new technologies and such cutting-edge facilities accompany the risks and pitfalls. Robotic process automation is another innovation that empowers the computerization of high-volume, manual, repeatable, everyday practice, rule-based, and unmotivating human errands. The principal objective of Robotic Process Automation is to supplant monotonous human errands with a virtual labor force or a computerized specialist playing out a similar work as the human laborer used to perform. This permits human laborers to zero in on troublesome undertakings and critical thinking. Robotic Process Automation instruments are viewed as straightforward and strong for explicit business process computerization. Robotic Process Automation comprises intelligence to decide if a process should occur. It has the capability to analyze the data presented and provide a decision based on the logic parameters set in place by the developer. Moreover, it does not demand for system integration, like other forms of automation. Be that as it may since the innovation is yet arising, the Robotic Process Automation faces a few difficulties during the execution.
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Causal phenomena associated with rare events frequently occur across a wide range of engineering and mathematical problems, such as risk-sensitive safety analysis, accident analysis and prevention, and extreme value theory. However, current methods for causal discovery are often unable to uncover causal links between random variables that manifest only when the variables first experience low-probability realizations. To address this issue, we introduce a novel algorithm that performs statistical independence tests on data collected from time-invariant dynamical systems in which rare but consequential events occur. We seek to understand if the state of the dynamical system causally affects the likelihood of the rare event. In particular, we exploit the time-invariance of the underlying data to superimpose the occurrences of rare events, thus creating a new dataset, with rare events are better represented, on which conditional independence tests can be more efficiently performed. We provide non-asymptotic bounds for the consistency of our algorithm, and validate the performance of our algorithm across various simulated scenarios, with applications to traffic accidents.
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We present a smoothly broken power law functional form that accurately models and extrapolates the scaling behaviors of deep neural networks (i.e. how the evaluation metric of interest varies as the amount of compute used for training, number of model parameters, training dataset size, or upstream performance varies) for each task within a large and diverse set of upstream and downstream tasks, in zero-shot, prompted, and fine-tuned settings. This set includes large-scale vision and unsupervised language tasks, diffusion generative modeling of images, arithmetic, and reinforcement learning. When compared to other functional forms for neural scaling behavior, this functional form yields extrapolations of scaling behavior that are considerably more accurate on this set. Moreover, this functional form accurately models and extrapolates scaling behavior that other functional forms are incapable of expressing such as the non-monotonic transitions present in the scaling behavior of phenomena such as double descent and the delayed, sharp inflection points present in the scaling behavior of tasks such as arithmetic. Lastly, we use this functional form to glean insights about the limit of the predictability of scaling behavior. Code is available at https://github.com/ethancaballero/broken_neural_scaling_laws
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Individual neurons in neural networks often represent a mixture of unrelated features. This phenomenon, called polysemanticity, can make interpreting neural networks more difficult and so we aim to understand its causes. We propose doing so through the lens of feature \emph{capacity}, which is the fractional dimension each feature consumes in the embedding space. We show that in a toy model the optimal capacity allocation tends to monosemantically represent the most important features, polysemantically represent less important features (in proportion to their impact on the loss), and entirely ignore the least important features. Polysemanticity is more prevalent when the inputs have higher kurtosis or sparsity and more prevalent in some architectures than others. Given an optimal allocation of capacity, we go on to study the geometry of the embedding space. We find a block-semi-orthogonal structure, with differing block sizes in different models, highlighting the impact of model architecture on the interpretability of its neurons.
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本文通过开发一种层次碰撞避免方法来改善基于安全的多旋转器的近电视,该方法根据环境复杂性和感知约束来调节最大速度。在表现出不同混乱的环境中,安全速度调制具有挑战性。现有方法固定了最大速度和地图分辨率,该方法可防止车辆进入狭窄的空间,并将认知负荷置于操作员上的速度。我们通过提出一种高速公路(10 Hz)的远程操作方法来解决这些差距,该方法通过分层碰撞检查调节最大车辆速度。分层碰撞检查器同时适应当地地图的体素尺寸和最大车辆速度,以确保运动计划安全。在模拟和现实世界实验中评估了所提出的方法,并将其与基于非自适应运动原语的远程操作方法进行了比较。结果证明了所提出的详细方法方法的优势以及完成任务的能力,而无需用户指定最大车辆速度。
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检测假新闻对于确保信息的真实性和维持新闻生态系统的可靠性至关重要。最近,由于最近的社交媒体和伪造的内容生成技术(例如Deep Fake)的扩散,假新闻内容的增加了。假新闻检测的大多数现有方式都集中在基于内容的方法上。但是,这些技术中的大多数无法处理生成模型生产的超现实合成媒体。我们最近的研究发现,真实和虚假新闻的传播特征是可以区分的,无论其方式如何。在这方面,我们已经根据社会环境调查了辅助信息,以检测假新闻。本文通过基于混合图神经网络的方法分析了假新闻检测的社会背景。该混合模型基于将图形神经网络集成到新闻内容上的新闻和BI定向编码器表示的传播中,以了解文本功能。因此,这种提出的方​​法可以学习内容以及上下文特征,因此能够在Politifact上以F1分别为0.91和0.93的基线模型和八西八角数据集的基线模型,分别超过了基线模型,分别在八西八学数据集中胜过0.93
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